
I really enjoyed working on this drawing.  I did the hair and most everything else in about three days because I needed to have it done for a friend by a certain day, so it lacks some detail that I wish were there.  I still, however; really like it!



Girl in Color

I’m experimenting more with color lately.  Stepping out of my comfort zone that I have with graphite and working towards the goal of having the color as realistic as possible.  This one was a challenge.  There’s a lot of things I have to do differently than I would with my graphite pencil.  Although not anywhere near “perfect”, I’m still happy with this drawing and will have more knowledge when I work on my next color piece.


fancyfocus color

Baby Lamb

I’m not super impressed by this drawing because it doesn’t have the detail I wanted it to have ( like looking more life-like ).  It has taught me what I shouldn’t do so because of that I’m learning to be a better artist.


fancyfocus lamb


This drawing was very enjoyable for me to work on.  What made it a challenge however is that I didn’t really have a picture to draw from for the girl in this drawing.  I had found a really nice one of the guy but he was alone in it, so I had to figure something out.  I ended up finding a catalog picture for the girl which helped a little to get started with, but then I was on my own to think about where the shadows went and such.  Anyway, it could have turned out a little better if I had had a picture where they were together, but I’m still happy with the way it looks. 🙂